HawassaIndustrial ParkWorker’s Housing

It’s World class, ILO compliant dormitory housing that will accommodate 6500 garment industry workers. Located within the Hawassa Industrial Park compound, on a 2.2 hectares land, the design challenge was to create a housing neighborhood that feels like a modern apartment complex.
The resulting design features rooms with plenty of natural light, open courtyards, common spaces on each floor, multi-sports facilities, a learning center with tablets loaded with personal development courses, central courtyard with convenient shops, bank and grocery.
We feel workers will be happy in this housing neighborhood!

6500 Residents

Professional Property Management

Laundry facilities

2 Large Dining halls

Indoor & Outdoor lounging areas

Ping-pong tables | Chess

CCTV Security

Bicycles for in-park usage

Computer Center

Learning Center

Volley Ball & Basketball courts

InauguralDormitory ProjectHawasa Industrial Park

About The Park

Inaugurated in 2017

Currently employing 30,000workers & expected to employ70K workers at full capacity

State of the art Industrial Parkand designed to be the mostenvironmentally friendlyPark in Africa

Will generate $1 Billionin annual exports atfull capacity

The Problem

Attrition is the number 1 reason manufacturers have not been able increase productivity as well as shifts

Bus transport currently subsidized by the manufacturers. Tardiness is rampant as workers have to walk 3-5 KM to get to the bus

Lack of affordable, dignifiedhousing is the number 1 reasonworkers leave their job andreturn to the rural areas

As workers stay longeron their job and becomemore productive, they couldearn more money

The Solution

A pilot dormitory housing that will house 6500 workers

Harmonious spaces designed to contribute to worker’s happiness

Sports and learning activitiesfor relaxation and well-being

Phase plan to build differentunit mixes as well asday care facilities.

Before and After

Hawassa Industrial Park Dormitory project design details

Mobile App

ይማሩ | Yimaru

An online learning app for Hawassa Industrial park housing interns

Interns at the Hawassa Industrial Park Dormitory will be able to learn skills such as workplace etiquette English, Chinease and so on using this app in their own language.

Learn more